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Do you think regulators will put the kibosh on Facebook's Libra ambitions?

1 Answer, 1 Reply
Linda Goetze
Linda Goetze  replied:

Facebook's Libra is seen as a threat to the control that has been centralized in governments to this point.  Relinquishing that control - even to a consortia of wealthy companies rather than just Facebook - is not something that is going to happen without a fight.  As to how dirty that fight will get and the implications for already existing cryptos and the ultimate roll out (or shelving) of Libra - that is left to be seen... 

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ECO Support
ECO Support  replied:

Prescient ... Facebook Libra: the inside story of how the company’s cryptocurrency dream died https://www.ft.com/content/a88fb591-72d5-4b6b-bb5d-223adfb893f3